

It's late, and I'm kind of tired, but I wanted to draw your attention to the BLUE SKY IN GAMES banner in my links area. Talking about Jet Set Radio yesterday reminded me of this 'campaign' on UK Resistance which is worth reading and pretty funny. It makes some valid points-- for example, that people should stop making dark, gritty games about being a street criminal, because they're stupid and ugly and not fun. Just don't make the mistake of taking it seriously, like too many people on message boards have. It's the internet, people. Don't take anything seriously, unless it's a completely unfounded rumor about how awful the government is. Those are all totally true.

Seriously, though, look at some OutRun 2 screenshots and tell me the world isn't an okay place to live. At least the beautiful world inside your TV where you race your Ferrari along perfect beaches to impress your girlfriend, who apparently has a thing for crazy-ass driving.

(Full disclosure: I am really quite terrible at OutRun 2. I convinced myself I had to have it earlier this year when it dropped to $20, and I've barely cracked it because I am bad at it. This is a shameful revelation about my skill(z), and I hope you understand just how hard it is for me to open up like this and reveal personal details about myself.)


At Tue Dec 13, 09:31:00 PM, Blogger K said...

What are your thoughts on this new Nintendo controller? I've got this feeling that it will be either the greatest breakthrough in gaming in ever, or a total failure, but I don't know much about it.

At Wed Dec 14, 12:30:00 AM, Blogger JC! said...

Hey, why don't I write some kind of entry about it? It'll give me more time to collect arcade stick pictures for tomorrow.

At Wed Dec 14, 12:54:00 AM, Blogger sadkingjonathan said...

JC...I know you have heard me say it...but I am almost sure you've never believed it...

But, I heart you. Keep it up. And hard. Keep it up and hard for the rest of us.

At Wed Dec 14, 01:02:00 AM, Blogger JC! said...

Oh, it's up and hard. This new happy-style blog has invigorated me! With vigor! I am seriously enjoying blogging more now, and as long as I have something to talk about every night, I will. Tell your friends! Tell enough of them that I can sign up with Google Adsense and straight monetize this bitch.


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