
Hey, remember yesterday?

To my Oklahoma and inter net friends:

I hope that the visit that we had together yesterday was a fun and excellent one and not disappointing or lame. I know I had a good time but I worry a lot about the relative goodness of others' times because that is how I am.

For those of you who weren't there, Jessica, K, Mary and I had a small gathering at Zack and Blair's apartment, where we talked and caught up and I was a little awkward because I'm generally awkward and not great at talking to people, but still really happy to be with my friends!!!! Then we ate at a place called Bahama Breeze where the breeze didn't really come from the Bahamas, but instead from Oklahoma, because that's where they kept the restaurant. I didn't mind the inauthentic breeze, because I was mostly there for food and talking.

Here are some pictures that get bigger when you click on them, and then you can save them on your hard drive and look at them later and remember that we ate at that place:

I am super glad that I got to see people. I forgot how cool my friends are, and I forgot how much I enjoyed having friends.


At Tue Jan 10, 07:44:00 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

It was super great to see you! I wish we'd had some time for more actual catching up and talking about real stuff than the "socializing" that went on, but we take what we can get.
(I could have been sitting up a little straighter in both of those instead of funkyleaning, but it is good to have the visuals for the memories, so thank you!)
I promise that the actual seeing of you made for a great time.


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