
Winter break is officially over. I was getting along just fine without school, too. Oh well.

I'm taking like 18 hours of classes for some reason. Mostly, it's because

a) there was a lot of stuff offered only this semester that it's a good idea for me to take, but secretly, in my head, after I just now made it up, I have a second reason, that is

b) it'll legitimately be too much and I'll wash out, which would be a good excuse to not be in grad school anymore even though I have no idea what else I could/should be doing

I was actually about 10% hoping that I'd fail something this semester and somehow be kicked out of school. Instead, I got As (including one that I think was mathematically impossible) and Bs. I win either way, sort of!

I haven't really been depressed about career stuff lately, because I haven't been thinking about it. I've mostly been doing what I have to do every day and not worrying about the big picture. Oh, except during the break, when I wasn't even doing stuff outside of housework and recreation.

Um, I don't have much of an ending for this post. I'm basically out of stuff to say.


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