

That's it. Even if I didn't already hate McDonalds, and, uh... if I ever ate fast-food hamburgers, Burger King's advertising would convince me that they deserve my very small amounts of money. First, it was the Xbox games (NOVEMBER 19!!! I AM TOTALLY CAMPING OUT FOR THEM), and now this commercial. I don't care how you feel about clicking on YouTube links, or fast food, or advertising, or me. Click on that link and watch the video. The last five seconds or so kinda suck, but by then the world will have already changed for you.



so frustrated
-feel like i'm wasting a lot of my time, but don't know what to do and
-afraid to change things that used to define me (such as obsessive, continuous tv watching)
-need to apply for jobs, but scared of rejection/failure as usual
-hate myself but continue to write narcissistic blog entries
-not tired at all but would feel guilty about staying up
-don't know why i didn't capitalize anything, i guess it makes me seem more out of sorts.
-damn it

must... become... more... awesome!


oh man

I just heard the most horrible noise outside. It sounded like a big truck backfiring. Anyway, I wasn’t sure, so I peeked out the window. I saw a bunch of guys standing around just outside of our parking lot, and it looked like two of the guys right in the center of the mass were pointing guns at each other. There was a lot of yelling, but everyone was standing perfectly still.

Anyway, I must have heard a shot go off. I looked around from my window and I didn’t see anyone that looked hurt, so one of the guys must have just fired the shot in the air. I was about to call 911, but I wasn’t thinking straight and I was panicking and I called home instead. When I told her what I had seen, my mom got scared, she said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "Nah, forget it, Yo homes, to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes, smell ya later!" I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.


job update

Last week, I was up for a job writing about games for Kotaku. I didn't get it.